Wednesday, December 12, 2012

3...when were you diagnosed...and 4

Ok funniest work out moment happened this morning, you may not laugh but it was kind of like an SNL skit.

I hit the early morning weight class with Armstrong today. This is a popular class with the older crowd, but don't be fooled, the 84 year old woman has a tighter body than most 20 year olds and the other silver fox has arms larger than my legs. This is no joke.

There is a little portion of that class that takes us to the wall for some wall sits, the kind of sits that don't end and your legs feel like they could catch on fire. Luckily Armstrong I deal with this pain by looking at each other and really helps.

Well was hilarious. I was wearing the "Train. Breathe. Out Run CF" shirt. As we were walking over to the wall next to take a squat, our very nice instructor read my shirt. Just as my legs started to burn she asked what CF was...and then the conversation continued like this:

Instructor: "Do you know someone with CF?"
Me: "I know someone very well."I say settling into my square
Instructor: "Who?" she asked as my right leg started to shake.
Me: "Me" I pointed to myself with the dumbell as I raised it up for a curl.
Instructor: "You have CF? and 2..and 3..."
Me: "Yep I do!"
Instructor: "And 4...when were you diagnosed? and 5..."
Me: "18 Months old...1983." By this time my I was ready to not be squatting anymore.
Instructor: "Wow" and hold the squat..."Are you a doctor..6, 7, 8.."
Me: "I wish..."

Mind you..She is wearing a headset mic while teaching so that everyone in the gym can hear her. So, as she is instructing people on what to do, and counting, she is asking me these questions out of the opposite side of her mouth. It was hilarious!!!

Good start to the day..

1 comment:

Jason said...

That is funny and super impressive on her part! I trust you're starting to feel better given you're lifting weights. Either that or you're pushing though it. Either way, glad to hear it! -Jason