Sunday, October 23, 2011

Where is my form?

After sitting my ass on couches, chairs and hospital beds for 3 weeks, I decided it was time to lace up and hit the roads. I got out of the joint one week ago and have been giving myself home IV's which allows me to try and get back to my routine.

Monday I went for a cool morning 3 mile jog. Tuesday night I did a little slow flow and this morning I ran 4 miles. Before I came down with these infections I was starting to ramp up my miles and was hitting yoga a few days a week. This cold or squirrel flu hits at the end of September and I'm on the couch with no plans for anything strenuous. The migration to my lungs firmed that up pretty good and as hard as it was to not even look at my running shoes, I did it. I actually rested!

The 3 and 4 mile runs I did this week were not my prettiest. My legs, ass and body are a little weak and I felt like I was running for the first time. The lungs feel WAY better than before but they need to be kicked into shape as well. I tried not to push it on these runs by walking when I needed to and limiting my mileage as best as I can. I'll continue the every other day running plan and build up nice and slow to avoid the injuries that my old lady brittle bones are prone to.

In a couple weeks I will be in Anaheim, CA at the North American CF Conference for 6 days. 70 degrees and sunny is calling my name and setting up some nice running weather. My 6min/mile CF doc and I are planning to run together out there...that should be real cute! If I just make sure he has a few too many cocktails the night before I may be ok...

Here is what I am most excited to report today. On Thursday I went to CF clinic. After 6 blows, my PFT's are back to my new high normal, my weight is coming back annnnnnd guess what. When I cough, run or cough while running I don't pee anymore!! This is incredible news and I get to stop IV's a week earlier than originally prescribed. Boooom.

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