Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pink! Even the stoner kid is aware..


So we ALL know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink ribbons are everywhere, plastered on cereal boxes, soup cans, Kitchen Aids,  NFL football players and refs wear pink jockstraps, pizza boxes are pink...the list is endless. It truly is amazing the support that this cause gets, in the awareness side and the fundraising side.

I am definitely not going to get into my views about the whole thing regarding funding and research. I don't consider myself knowledgable enough about it all so I won't bother, but I do have some strong feelings about some issues. BUT if you have time track down Pink Ribbon, Inc. and give it a watch....(You can stream it on Netflix)

What I am going to say today is, damn, they truly have succeeded in one thing...AWARENESS! Everyone knows and is talking about breast cancer. Everyone.

Around lunchtime I snuck out for a short 3 mile run and on my way back I crossed paths with a stoner kid on a skateboard who was clearly skipping school.  With his fist thrust in the air he yelled to me "Whoooo, keep it up! Yeaaah! Let's cure breast cancer!" Baffled I couldn't respond and I just giggled to myself. Holy shit I thought, everyone and I mean evvvvveryone is talking about breast cancer. I wasn't wearing any pink, I had no ribbons anywhere, I was just running!

I gotta hand it to everyone working in the breast cancer worlds because it truly is amazing. Congratulations on making sure the who world is aware this month and's mind blowing! Now if only we could get some more amazing treatments for this horrific disease so these women, men, families and friends won't have to suffer so badly. The last thing I want is to see any of my friends and or family members go through this...Finding out what causes breast cancer and narrowing focus and more education on preventative measures.. ok ok ok...I'll stop right here.

All I'm saying is that you just wait until May when it is CF awareness month..I can guarantee no stoner on a skateboard will be screaming "Let's cure cystic fibrosis!" as I run by..what I can guarantee is that amazing new treatments have been developed and are being developed and we are Out Running CF!

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